Friday, April 24, 2009

travel vacation package in the news

Fidel Castro: Trapped by history

Fri, 24 Apr 2009 16:09:36 -0700
REFLECTIONS OF FIDELTrapped by history(Taken from CubaDebate) Granma Fidel Castro Ruz April 23, 2009DANIEL’s appearance on National Television’s “Roundtable” was exactly as I had expected. He spoke with eloquence; he was persuasive, serene, irrefutable.He did not offend, nor did he wish to offend any other Latin American country, but sticking to the truth in every minute of his appearance: Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, as spokespersons for the ALBA, expressly rejected the idea of the Fin

Surprise A Pet! Offers New Pet Gift Packages for the Holidays

Tue, 30 Oct 2007 00:00:01 -0700

Justice - A Matter of Diminishing Luck

Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:34:21 -0700
If some principles of the rule of law remain efficacious today, this is largely due to the fact that ordinary citizens tend to observe that tradition of honesty and justice - mostly because of good family upbringing. In those parts of society that are heavily politicised, the prevailing of aspects of the rule of law is a matter of diminishing luck. Massive and viable business fraud is to a very large extent the result of government intention, support, or less than accidental government tolerance